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MTL5541 Repeater Power Supply 4/20mA HART for 2 or 3 Wire Transmitters

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    MTL5541 Repeater Power Supply 4/20mA HART for 2 or 3 Wire Transmitters


    MTL5541 Repeater Power Supply 4/20mA HART for 2 or 3 Wire Transmitters

    The MTLx541 provides a fully-floating dc supply for energising a conventional 2- or 3-wire 4/20mA transmitter, which is located in a hazardous area, and repeats the current in another floating circuit to drive a safe-area load. For HART 2-wire transmitters, the unit allows bi-directional communications signals superimposed on the 4/20mA loop current. Alternatively, the MTLx541S acts as a current sink for a safe-area connection rather than driving a current into the load. Separately powered current sources, such as 4-wire transmitters, can be connected but will not support HART communication.

    MTL5541 Repeater Power Supply 4/20mA HART for 2 or 3 Wire Transmitters

    MTL5541 Repeater Power Supply 4/20mA HART for 2 or 3 Wire Transmitters

    Shipping Weight: 1 Kg

    MTL5541 Repeater Power Supply 4/20mA HART for 2 or 3 Wire Transmitters

    The following guide is for users who require guidance on their choice of isolator for a new installation. For a given application the choice is between DIN-rail mounting (MTL5000/MTL5500 range) and backplane mounting (MTL4000/MTL4500 range) devices.

    MTL5541 Repeater Power Supply 4/20mA HART for 2 or 3 Wire Transmitters

    Analogue Inputs (high level)  2-wire transmitters, 4-20mA conventional and ‘smart’

     vibration transducer

     loop isolator

    Analogue Inputs (low level)  thermocouples and mV sources

     2, 3 and 4-wire RTDs

     strain-gauge bridges

    Analogue Outputs  controller outputs (I/P converters)
    Digital (ON/OFF) Inputs  switches/proximity detectors
    Digital (ON/OFF) Outputs  switches, proximity detectors, SIL3

     alarms, LEDs, solenoid valves, etc.

     switch output to hazardous area

    Pulse Input  turbine/flowmeters
    Miscellaneous  fire/smoke detectors

     signal transfer

     trip amplifiers

     earth leakage detector

    MTL5541 Repeater Power Supply 4/20mA HART for 2 or 3 Wire Transmitters

    Analogue Input – 2-wire transmitters, 4-20mA conventional and ‘smart’
    Device No. of
    Output to
    hazardous area
    Important features
    DIN-rail mounting devices
    MTL5541 1 16.5V min.
    @ 20mA
    Compatible with most smart transmitters
    MTL5541A 1 8.6V diode Separately powered smart transmitters
    MTL5541AS 1 8.6V diode 4 wire smart transmitters, current sink output
    MTL5541S 1 16.5V min.
    Compatible with most smart transmitters, current sink output
    MTL5544 2 16.5V min
    @ 20mA
    Compatible with most smart transmitters
    MTL5544A 2 8.6V diode Separately powered smart transmitters
    MTL5544AS 2 8.6V diode 4 wire smart transmitters, current sink output
    MTL5544D 1 16.5V min
    @ 20mA
    Compatible with most smart transmitters, repeat output
    MTL5544S 2 16.5V min
    @ 20mA
    Compatible with most smart transmitters, current sink output
    Backplane mounting devices
    MTL4541 1 16.5V min
    @ 20mA
    Compatible with most smart transmitters
    MTL4541A 1 8.6V diode Separately powered smart tranmitters
    MTL4541AS 1 8.6V diode 4 wire smart transmitter, current sink output
    MTL4541B 1 16.5V min
    @ 20mA
    As MTL4541 but adapted for MTL4041B substitution on legacy backplanes
    MTL4541P 1 17.6V min
    @ 20mA
    As MTL4541B but with a higher power output, MTL4041P substitution on legacy backplanes
    MTL4541S 1 16.5V min
    @ 20mA
    Compatible with most smart transmitters, current sink output
    MTL4544 2 16.5V min
    @ 20mA
    Compatible with most smart transmitters
    MTL4544A 2 8.6V diode Separately powered smart transmitters
    MTL4544AS 2 8.6V diode 4 wire smart transmitters, current sink output
    MTL4544B 1 16.5V min
    @ 20mA
    As MTL4544 but adapted for MTL4044B substitution on legacy backplanes
    MTL4544D 1 16.5V min
    @ 20mA
    Compatible with most smart transmitters, repeat output
    ^ Top
    Analogue Input – vibration transducer
    Device No. of
    Signal monitored Main features
    DIN-rail mounting devices
    MTL5531 1 Vibration
    Compatible with vibration and accelerometer transducers
    MTL5533 2 Vibration
    Compatible with vibration and accelerometer transducers
    Backplane mounting devices
    MTL4531 1 Vibration
    Compatible with vibration and accelerometer transducers
    ^ Top
    Analogue Input – thermocouple and mV sources
    Device No. of
    Output to
    safe area
    Main features
    DIN-rail mounting devices
    MTL5573 1 4/20mA Configurable, built-in CJC, early burnout detection facility
    MTL5575 1 4/20mA Configurable, built-in CJC, early burnout detection facility, alarm output
    MTL5576-THC 2 4/20mA Configurable, built-in CJC, also config as 1in 2 out
    MTL5581 1 0 to ±50mV Selectable upscale or downscale
    Backplane mounting devices
    MTL4573 1 4/20mA Configurable, built-in CJC, early burnout detection facility
    MTL4575 1 4/20mA Configurable, built-in CJC, early burnout detection facility, alarm output
    MTL4576-THC 2 4/20mA Configurable, built-in CJC, also config as 1in 2 out
    MTL4581 1 0 to ±50mV Selectable upscale or downscale
    ^ Top
    Analogue Input – 2, 3 and 4-wire RTDs
    Device No. of
    Output to
    safe area
    Main features
    DIN-rail mounting devices
    MTL5573 1 4/20mA Configurable, many sensor types and ranges
    MTL5575 1 4/20mA Configurable, many sensor types and ranges, alarm output
    MTL5576-RTD 2 4/20mA Configurable, also config as 1in 2 out
    MTL5582B 1 10 to 400 ohm Independent selection of 2, 3 or 4-wire RTDs on safe and hazardous area sides
    Backplane mounting devices
    MTL4573 1 4/20mA Configurable, many sensor types and ranges
    MTL4575 1 4/20mA Configurable, many sensor types and ranges, alarm output
    MTL4576-RTD 2 4/20mA Configurable, also config as 1in 2 out
    ^ Top
    Analogue Output – controller outputs, I/P converters
    Device No. of
    Output to
    hazardous area
    Important features
    DIN-rail mounting devices
    MTL5546 1 1mA Vmax = 16V Suitable for HART valve positioners, SC & OC LFD
    MTL5546Y 1 1mA Vmax = 16V Suitable for HART valve positioners, OC LFD
    MTL5549 2 1mA Vmax = 16V Suitable for HART valve positioners, SC & OC LFD
    MTL5549Y 2 1mA Vmax = 16V Suitable for HART valve positioners, OC LFD
    Backplane mounting devices
    MTL4546 1 1mA Vmax = 16V Suitable for HART valve positioners, SC & OC LFD
    MTL4546Y 1 1mA Vmax = 16V Suitable for HART valve positioners, OC LFD
    MTL4549 2 1mA Vmax = 16V Suitable for HART valve positioners, SC & OC LFD
    MTL4549Y 2 1mA Vmax = 16V Suitable for HART valve positioners, OC LFD
    ^ Top
    Digital Input – switches / proximity detectors
    Device No. of
    Output to
    safe area
    Important features
    DIN-rail mounting devices
    MTL5510 4 4 x solid state Can switch +ve or –ve polarity signals
    MTL5510B 4 4 x solid state Mult-function selectable
    MTL5511 1 1 x SPDT Switch/proximity detector repeater
    MTL5513 2 2 x solid state dc to 500Hz frequency response
    MTL5514 1 1 x SPDT
    1 x SPDT
    Switch/proximity detector repeater
    Independent LFD output
    MTL5514D 1 2 x SPDT Dual output switch/proximity detector repeater
    MTL5516C 2 2 x SPDT Switch/proximity detector repeater
    MTL5517 2 2 x SPDT
    1 x SPDT
    Switch/proximity detector repeater
    Independent LFD output
    Backplane mounting devices
    MTL4504 1 1 x SPDT
    1 x SPDT
    Switch/proximity detector repeater
    Independent LFD output, de-energise to alarm
    MTL4510 4 4 x solid state Can switch +ve or –ve polarity signals
    MTL4510B 4 4 x solid state Mult-function selectable
    switches +ve, -ve or ac signals
    MTL4511 1 1 x SPDT Switch/proximity detector repeater
    MTL4513 2 2 x solid state dc to 500Hz frequency response
    MTL4514 1 1 x SPDT
    1 x SPDT
    Switch/proximity detector repeater
    Independent LFD output, energise to alarm
    MTL4514D 1 2 x SPDT Dual output switch/proximity detector repeater
    MTL4516 2 2 x SPST Switch/proximity detector repeater
    MTL4516C 2 2 x SPDT Switch/proximity detector repeater
    MTL4517 2 2 x SPST
    1 x SPDT
    Switch/proximity detector repeater
    Independent LFD output
    ^ Top
    Digital Input – switch/proximity detectors, SIL3
    Device No. of
    Signals monitored Important features
    DIN-rail mounting devices
    MTL5501-SR 1 24V logic Safety related, SIL3 certified
    Backplane mounting devices
    MTL4501-SR 1 24V logic Safety related, SIL3 certified
    ^ Top
    Digital Output – alarms, LEDs, solenoid valves, etc
    Device No. of
    Output to
    hazardous area
    Important features
    DIN-rail mounting devices
    MTL5521 1 12.8V Imax = 48mA IIC gas groups, loop powered
    MTL5522 1 9.9V Imax = 70mA IIB gas groups, loop powered
    MTL5523 1 12.8V Imax = 48mA Switch controlled input, Independent LFD output
    MTL5523V 1 12.8V Imax = 48mA Voltage controlled input, Independent LFD output
    MTL5524 1 12.8V Imax = 48mA Safety override feature, separately powered
    MTL5525 1 7V Imax = 48mA Low power output, loop powered
    Backplane mounting devices
    MTL4521 1 12.8V Imax = 48mA Loop powered
    MTL4521L 1 10.3V Imax = 48mA Loop powered
    1 12.8V Imax = 48mA Switch controlled input, Independent LFD output
    MTL4523L 1 12.8V Imax = 48mA Loop powered, independent LFD output
    MTL4523V 1 12.8V Imax = 48mA Voltage controlled input, Independent LFD output
    MTL4524 &
    1 12.8V Imax = 48mA Safety override feature, separately powered
    MTL4525 1 7V Imax = 48mA Safety override, low power output
    ^ Top
    Digital Output – switch output to hazardous area
    Device No. of
    Signals monitored Important features
    DIN rail mounting devices
    MTL5526 1 or 2 2 x DPDT Safe-area switch input or loop powered.
    2ch or 1ch with 2 outputs
    Backplane mounting devices
    MTL4526 1 or 2 2 x DPDT Safe-area switch input or loop powered.
    2ch or 1ch with 2 outputs
    ^ Top
    Pulse Input – turbine / flowmeters
    Device No. of
    Input from
    hazardous area
    Important features
    DIN-rail mounting devices
    MTL5532 1 Switch, proximity detector, current pulse, voltage pulse Voltage and current inputs from 2 or 3-wire transmitters
    configurable 4-20mA analogue output
    MTL5541 1 2-wire pulse e.g. 2-wire turbine and vortex flowmeters
    Backplane mounting devices
    MTL4532 1 1mA Vmax = 16V Voltage and current inputs from 2 or 3-wire transmitters
    configurable 4-20mA analogue output
    MTL4541 1 2-wire pulse e.g. 2-wire turbine and vortex flowmeters
    ^ Top
    Fire / Smoke detectors
    Device No. of
    Output to
    hazardous area
    Important features
    DIN-rail mounting devices
    MTL5561 2 Loop powered 0–40mA, fire and smoke detectors
    Backplane mounting devices
    MTL4561 2 Loop powered 0–40mA, fire and smoke detector
    ^ Top
    Signal transfer – safe area to safe area – via hazardous area
    No. of
    Signal transferred Important features
    DIN-rail mounting devices
    MTL5546Y &
    1 4/20mA smart Driver
    MTL5526 &
    2 Status signals Driver, relay output
    Receiver, digital output
    MTL5051 1 RS232 or RS422 Either can be used as receiver or driver
    Backplane mounting devices
    MTL4546Y &
    1 4/20mA smart Driver
    MTL4526 &
    2 Status signals Driver, relay output
    Receiver, digital output
    ^ Top
    Trip amplifiers
    Device No. of
    Signals monitored Important features
    DIN-rail mounting devices
    MTL5314 1 4/20mA Configurable, one or two alarms

    MTL5541 Repeater Power Supply 4/20mA HART for 2 or 3 Wire Transmitters

    We are specialized in intelligent instruments, including : control system, transmitters, flow meters,sensors, recorders, analyzers, control valves, controllers, PLC’s, etc.

    MTL5541 Repeater Power Supply 4/20mA HART for 2 or 3 Wire Transmitters

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    MTL5541 Repeater Power Supply 4/20mA HART for 2 or 3 Wire Transmitters


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    MTL5541 Repeater Power Supply 4/20mA HART for 2 or 3 Wire Transmitters


    Wuhan Xieyuan Automation Equipment Co., Ltd
    Mobile Phone:86-18671080257
    Whatsapp&Viber are available
    Address:7-A16,Caishen Commercial Plaza,Hankou Railway Station

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